Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wont be long now and I will have tha hang of this whole blogging idea and I will be starting to post some pics. Yeah, pics of where I live (thank you LisaV) and pics of some of my artistic creations.

I thought that I would share another special part of my journey with you today.
Scrapping and artsy crafting have been awesome therapy helping me to gain more confidence in who I am. And my AWESOME girlfriends who love me unconditionally (some have seen me in the worst place possible!!!!!! and yet continues to love and support me and believe in me - WOW I am eternally grateful for all of you. THANK YOU).

Another vital part of my journey has been visiting this site
WOW has that given me a different outlook to my faith and what I have believed ALL my life. It has been totally awesome seeing things in a clearer light - I am being released from guilt compelled behaviour and becoming free to relax and just be - spose it was the right time to finally learn the truth!!!!!!!!!

NEXT WEDNESDAY- BB Adelaide girls get together

Anyways, I had a cleaning frenzy yesterday to prepare the Scrap Inn for my influx of visitors next WEDNESDAY 23.
(insert VERY EXCITED emoticon !)

I have a large room that the younger ones can use as a play room (could everyone please bring a few toys for the children to share . Mine are all grown up and I have minimal toys left!)
I also have another smaller room that the babies can sleep in when they need to ( It might be best if you could bring a small portable bed with you. Sorry I am not really geared up in that department now either!)

AND the scrapping room - well I will get to that soon and clear off the tables again (insert embarrassed emoticon!) I have stuff everywhere AGAIN covering all the tables!!!!! HEY I love to spread out when I work and the more space I have the more I use!!!!!

Is everyone bringing some of their work to share????
Who wants to scrap????? or are we just chatting??????

(insert another VERY EXCITED emoticon)

Well I must be off to check out how to upload more pics (oops I mean do the housework!!!!! wink)
Til next time,
Hugs from Debs


Anonymous said...

hey beautiful, you did it !!! yeah.

seeya soon.

enjoy blogging its so much fun.

steph xo

kathie said...

You sound totally set up! It will be just me - Jamie is spending the morning with his grandparents after all. I must remember to throw in a couple of layouts to bring with me. See you tomorrow.